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Slackware 15.0 - на пути к выпуску

Автор bormant, 25 апреля 2020, 21:35:53

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Slackware 15.0 на пути к выпуску.

30.07.2016 состоялся выпуск Slackware 14.2.

Первые изменения на пути к Slackware 15.0 согласно журналу были сделаны 03.07.2016.


Статистика изменений за период с 03.07.2016 по 24.04.2020:

6157 Upgraded
3121 Rebuilt
232 Added
101 Removed
---- --------
9611 всего
380 обновления безопасности

Распределение изменений по наборам:

Набор   Added Rebuilt Removed Upgraded  Всего
a          12     382       4     1216   1614
ap          6     211       4      498    719
d          17     277       4      816   1114
e                  10                6     16
k                   2              220    222
kde               309               14    323
l          71     711      17     1381   2180
n          11     419      10      797   1237
t           2      14       3       12     31
tcl                 8               15     23
x          30     476      47      631   1184
xap         4     153       3      341    501
xfce        1      47       1       91    140
y                   1                1      2
extra      16      60       3       60    139
testing    61      41       5       54    161
pasture     1                        4      5


Про отдельные изменения в грядущем выпуске.

Slackware избавляется от .la файлов

1) с переходом на pkg-config от них никакой пользы окромя потенциального вреда,
2) хороший повод заодно пересобрать все подряд с новым C++ ABI.

Теперь слакбилды содержат команды для удаления из будущего пакета файлов .la, имейте это ввиду, если соберетесь использовать новые слакбилды в предыдущих версиях Slackware:
# Don't ship .la files:
rm -f $PKG/{,usr/}lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/*.la

Соответствующая запись в ChangeLog.txt

Thu Apr 19 01:04:06 UTC 2018
Hi folks, and welcome to the third ever Slackware Mass Rebuild (and the
longest ChangeLog entry in project history). There were two primary
motivations for rebuilding everything in the main tree. The first was to
switch to the new C++ ABI. The second was to get rid of all the .la files
in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Really, having .la files installed has been mostly
obsolete since things began to use pkg-config instead, but it's not easy
to get rid of them unless you do it all at once. If you just take them out
of one package, any other packages containing .la files that refer to the
removed ones will be broken. We've removed a few here and there before
(and then handled any packages that had referred to them with a rebuild),
but it was time to finally remove all the ones in /lib{,64} and
/usr/lib{,64}. One of the reasons that this really needed to happen is that
many projects are starting to migrate to build systems other than autotools,
and those systems do not generate .la files. So if we didn't get rid of them
now, we might end up in a situation later on where they are being removed
by upstream and then we would have to chase down the dependency breakage and
recompile (possibly many) other packages. The .la files that are outside of
the LD_LIBRARY_PATH were not removed (and shouldn't be) - those ones are
often used by the lt_dlopen() function to load plugins and removing those
ones can break things. But those ones don't cause problems... they aren't
likely to try to infect .la files produced by other packages.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have any third party or other packages installed on
your system that don't come with Slackware, and those packages have installed
any .la files, it is very likely that they refer to some .la files which we
have just removed, and that trying to compile against these packages will no
longer work. Luckily, the solution is simple: remove them. This command will
remove any stale .la files from the LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

rm /{,usr/}lib{,64}/*.la

Moving forward, nothing shipped in Slackware will contain any .la files in
those directories, and any SlackBuilds intended to be used with Slackware 15.0
should contain this bit of script:

# Don't ship .la files:
rm -f $PKG/{,usr/}lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/*.la

In addition to those goals, the opportunity was taken to clean up slack-desc
files and make many trivial fixes to build scripts. We've also made it easy
to recompile everything again should there be a good reason to do so.
You'll also find various updates scattered throughout this long list.

Enjoy, and sorry about the bandwidth. ;-)


Про отдельные изменения в грядущем выпуске.

Изменения в расположении каталогов pkgtools

База сведений об установленных пакетах переехала из /var/log/
в /var/lib/pkgtools/:

/var/lib/pkgtools/packages  # сведения об установленных пакетах
/var/lib/pkgtools/scripts   # послеустановочные сценарии пакетов
/var/lib/pkgtools/setup     # сценарии для настройки из установщика

Поскольку каталоги removed_packages и removed_scripts по сути своей являются журналами и ни для чего больше не используются, они переезжают по новым путям в пределах /var/log/
в /var/log/pkgtools/:


Для совместимости создаются и будут поддерживаться символьные ссылки на новые пути:

/var/log/packages         -> /var/lib/pkgtools/packages
/var/log/scripts          -> /var/lib/pkgtools/scripts
/var/log/setup            -> /var/lib/pkgtools/setup
/var/log/removed_packages -> /var/log/pkgtools/removed_packages
/var/log/removed_scripts  -> /var/log/pkgtools/removed_scripts

Хозяйке на заметку:
Используя символьные ссылки по прежним путям, не забывайте ставить "/" в конце, иначе почти всегда ваша команда будет относиться к файлу ссылки, а не к содержимому каталога, на который она указывает.

Соответствующая запись в ChangeLog.txt

Tue Jun 19 22:35:25 UTC 2018
testing/packages/pkgtools-15.0-noarch-20.txz:  Rebuilt.
  This update is a bit scarier than usual, so we're going to test it here
  first and then move it into the main tree in a couple of days if there
  are no serious bug reports. It's well-tested here, and works with the
  slackpkg that's in -current now, but I don't know about slackpkg+ so that's
  another reason to let it cool down here first. The purpose of this update
  is to migrate the package database and directories from /var/log to
  /var/lib/pkgtools. /var/log was never a good place for this data, as it is
  considered by many to be a directory that could be wiped to free up some
  space. Originally the package database was in /var/adm, but the FSSTND
  (later FHS) group decided that directory should be a symlink to /var/log,
  and I went along with that since it was years ago and I was a n00b and didn't
  know any better. /var/lib/pkgtools will be a better and safer location.
  The removed_packages and removed_scripts directories are really just logs
  that aren't actually used for anything - those will remain under /var/log,
  but moved into /var/log/pkgtools. Everything under /var/log will be
  considered potentially non-permanent by the pkgtools - if any directories or
  symlinks disappear from there, the pkgtools will automatically recreate them
  as needed. In fact, the migration process will create symlinks from all the
  old directory locations to the new ones, so anything that expects the old
  locations (including slackpkg, for now) should continue to work. Once this
  moves into the main tree, the plan is to fix other packages to use the new
  installer script directory (/var/lib/pkgtools/setup) and change the installer
  and slackpkg to use the new native locations for everything. When slackpkg
  is changed over to use the new native locations, I'll also make sure to float
  that in testing/ for a few days before moving it to the main tree to avoid
  more unintentional disruption to slackpkg+ users.
  Be aware that the package database migration is a one-way operation, but even
  so if you later downgrade to an older version of the pkgtools it will still
  work through the compatibility symlinks.


Про отдельные изменения в грядущем выпуске.

Пакеты получили сценарий, исполняемый при удалении

Теперь installpkg при установке пакета копирует содержащийся внутри пакета файл


если он там имеется, в файл


Соответственно, теперь removepkg после удалении пакета будет выполнять одноименный с пакетом сценарий из каталога


если он там имеется в наличии, а затем перенесет его в каталог


Несложно заметить, что подобное поведение аналогично тому, как это происходит с послеустановочным сценарием


и каталогами

/var/lib/pkgtools/scripts/          (в версии 14.2 и ранее -- /var/log/scripts/)
/var/log/pkgtools/removed_scripts/  (в версии 14.2 и ранее -- /var/log/removed_scripts/)

Отключить указанное поведение removepkg можно при помощи ключа командной строки:

removepkg --skip-douninst ...

Соответствующая запись в ChangeLog.txt

Thu Apr  2 06:07:52 UTC 2020
a/pkgtools-15.0-noarch-32.txz:  Rebuilt.
  installpkg: handle the uninstall script packaged as /install/douninst.sh.
  removepkg: add --skip-douninst option to skip running the uninstall script.
    Save removed douninst.sh in /var/log/pkgtools/removed_uninstall_scripts.

Tue Mar 31 04:00:43 UTC 2020
a/pkgtools-15.0-noarch-31.txz:  Rebuilt.
  removepkg: support an uninstall script. See removepkg(8).

Обсуждение на оф.форуме:


Про отдельные изменения в грядущем выпуске.

vi по умолчанию больше не elvis

Кодировкой по умолчанию в будущей 15.0 уже практически в самом начале ее пути была выбрана UTF-8. Однако, elvis -- простая реализация vi, используемая в Slackware как простейший редактор vi с незапамятных времен -- UTF-8 не особо-то и поддерживает.

Поэтому на смену elvis пришёл nvi -- реализация vi от Keith Bostic. Казалось бы, пришел и пришел, эка невидаль. Однако, раньше на /usr/bin/vi была только пара кандидатов -- elvis попроще и vim посложнее -- кто последний, тот и vi ;-) Когда кандидатов стало три, прежний вариант, очевидно, ничего кроме неразберихи не принес бы.

Поэтому ссылки /usr/bin/{ex,vi} из пакетов теперь уже трех vi-подобных редакторов были убраны, а их настройка была вынесена в настроечный сценарий, исполняемый установщиком setup на стадии CONFIGURE.

Полагаю тут уместно напомнить, что повторно такие сценарии можно выполнить
1) из pkgtool через меню Setup, в данном случае:
Setup -> vi-ex
2) или руками, вызвав настроечный сценарий непосредственно, в данном случае:

Теперь, если вдруг потеряется ссылка на vi, знаете, что делать, предупреждён -- значит вооружён.

Ну и еще пара слов про UTF-8, хотя и не про vi:
сценарий конфигурирования LILO при установке/перенастройке больше не спрашивает, использовать ли UTF-8 в качестве кодировки по умолчанию.

Соответствующие записи в ChangeLog.txt

Mon Jan 13 00:11:55 UTC 2020
a/pkgtools-15.0-noarch-29.txz:  Rebuilt.
  Added an installer/pkgtool menu to select the default ex/vi editor.
a/elvis-2.2_0-x86_64-5.txz:  Rebuilt.
  Don't make /usr/bin/{ex,vi} symlinks.
a/nvi-1.81.6-x86_64-1.txz:  Added.
  This is an implementation of the classic ex/vi text editor written by Keith
  Bostic. Due to this having UTF8 support which elvis lacks, we'll have it
  take over the ex/vi symlinks if they aren't already pointing to a different
  choice. Note that the removal of vi/ex symlinks from the elvis and vim
  packages might cause your ex/vi symlinks to point to this after all the ex/vi
  packages have been upgraded. You can set them to your preferences using
  pkgtool -> Setup -> vi-ex.
ap/vim-8.2.0114-x86_64-1.txz:  Upgraded.
  Don't make /usr/bin/{ex,vi} symlinks.

Tue Jul 12 03:48:34 UTC 2016
a/etc-14.2-x86_64-8.txz:  Rebuilt.
  In /etc/profile.d/lang.{csh,sh}.new, make en_US.UTF-8 the default locale.
a/lilo-24.2-x86_64-3.txz:  Rebuilt.
  In liloconfig:  Skip the menu asking if the user wants a UTF-8 virtual
  console, and use the kernel default (currently this is UTF-8 active).


К нам приехал, к нам приехал тов. vtown дорогой ;)

Tue Nov  3 22:32:22 UTC 2020
Welcome to vtown, volkerdi's friendly takeover of alienBOB's ktown Plasma 5
packages! Enormous thanks are due to alienBOB for maintaining and leading
testing of Plasma 5 on the side, even as I wore out his patience (and likely
others as well). But now this has made it into /testing and it won't be all
that long before it'll hit the main tree, so test it out and let me know if
anything broke. Several packages have been given back their upstream names
since there's no real reason to do otherwise unless we were going to support
installing KDE4 at the same time, and we aren't. Qt4 won't even be sticking
around, but probably slackbuilds.org will take it up. I dropped kaudiocreator
(won't build), ktuberling and klettres (rather bloated for the probably limited
appeal), user-manager (seems to have been dropped by upstream), kdelibs (KDE4
library, not going to support that), kwebkitpart, and kpat (not adding three
new dependencies only used for a solitaire game). In addition, it's probable
that digikam and its dependencies will be dropped. It's a great program, but
in my opinion it's just a little too big (especially the source) to ship by
default. To install the vtown packages, first you'll want to remove any KDE4
packages (the KDE and KDEI series in the main tree), any previous ktown packages
from alienBOB, and then install all of the packages in vtown/deps and vtown/kde
using upgradepkg --install-new. The previous advice on ConsoleKit2 was to remove
it since we've switched to elogind, but if you've got the latest rc.M it
shouldn't matter since ConsoleKit2 will not be started if elogind is installed.
Speaking of elogind, you'll probably notice that once elogind is installed X
or Wayland sessions will launch in the current console rather than on console 7.
Regarding the build numbers, the one before _vtown_ is the build number that
will be used when the merge to the main tree happens, and the one after _vtown_
is used in case any rebuilds need to happen while vtown is in /testing.  That's
about it for the notes on this one. Thanks again to alienBOB, and to my friends
in the US - don't forget to vote. :-)


Крысы в городе!
В vtown пополнение:

Fri Nov 27 06:21:11 UTC 2020
Moved a few dependencies from vtown into the main tree, updated much of the
GNOME stack, and Xfce 4.14 appears in vtown! Thanks much to Robby Workman.
Hope everyone had a good day. Enjoy! :-)
testing/packages/vtown/deps/libsass-3.6.4-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Removed.
testing/packages/vtown/deps/sassc-3.6.1-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Removed.
testing/packages/vtown/deps/upower-0.99.11-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Removed.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/Greybird-3.22.12-noarch-1_vtown_1.txz:  Added.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/elementary-xfce-0.15.1-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Added.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/exo-0.12.11-x86_64-2_vtown_1.txz:  Rebuilt.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/garcon-0.6.4-x86_64-2_vtown_1.txz:  Rebuilt.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/libxfce4ui-4.14.1-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/libxfce4util-4.14.0-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/mousepad-0.4.2-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Added.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/thunar-1.8.16-x86_64-2_vtown_1.txz:  Rebuilt.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/thunar-volman-0.9.5-x86_64-2_vtown_1.txz:  Rebuilt.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/tumbler-0.2.9-x86_64-2_vtown_1.txz:  Rebuilt.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-appfinder-4.14.0-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-clipman-plugin-1.6.1-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-dev-tools-4.14.0-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-notifyd-0.6.2-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-panel-4.14.4-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-panel-profiles-1.0.10-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Added.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-power-manager-1.6.6-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin-0.4.3-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-screensaver-0.1.11-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Added.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-screenshooter-1.9.7-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-session-4.14.2-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-settings-4.14.3-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-systemload-plugin-1.2.3-x86_64-2_vtown_1.txz:  Rebuilt.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-taskmanager-1.2.3-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-terminal-  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-weather-plugin-0.10.2-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-2.4.6-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Added.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfconf-4.14.4-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfdesktop-4.14.3-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.
testing/packages/vtown/xfce/xfwm4-4.14.6-x86_64-1_vtown_1.txz:  Upgraded.


KDE 5 и Xfce 4.14 переехали из testing/ в основное дерево пакетов, Qt4 c KDE4 и зависимостями выкинуты на мороз..

Mon Dec  7 21:49:58 UTC 2020
Goodbye vtown... we hardly knew you.
It is indeed the day of the Big Merge(tm) leaving nothing left in /testing (but
I'll try to work on that soon). In addition to merging packages from /testing,
Qt4 and related packages have gone away, along with some other libraries that
were only used by KDE4. Perhaps someone will want to take up maintenance of Qt4
(but I'm also pretty sure that SBo wouldn't touch that build script with a ten
foot pole). ConsoleKit2 is gone, replaced by elogind (which also takes over for
cgmanager and pm-utils).
Huge thanks to Eric Hameleers, Heinz Wiesinger, and Robby Workman for all the
help making this possible.
There's still more cleanup to do here, but that'll be easier with everything in
the main tree instead of maintaining side installs running the /testing
I'll look into what can be done about extra/pure-alsa-system/ soon.
Enjoy! :-)


Итак, 15.0-альфа. С чем нас всех и поздравляю.

Mon Feb 15 19:23:44 UTC 2021
Here we go again... upgraded to glibc-2.33 and one last mass rebuild for
Slackware 15.0. The only packages upgraded in this batch are glibc and the
kernels - everything else is just a rebuild against the new glibc. Not
rebuilt in this batch: devs (best to just leave this alone), glibc-zoneinfo,
kernel-firmware, rust, linux-faqs, linux-howtos, aspell-en, mozilla-firefox,
mozilla-thunderbird, and seamonkey. There's a new Rust compiler but Firefox
and Thunderbird will need to be patched to use it, so we'll hold off on
those until they're ready for the new Rust either with patches or new
upstream releases. Until we have that and a few more scheduled upgrades I'm
not quite ready to call this beta yet, but you can call it 15.0-alpha1. :-)



Уже пора бы RC делать, а они только в альфу ступили  :biggrin_mini:
Что-то в этот раз, прям, совсем медленно к релизу идут.


А сколько обычно времени проходит между альфой и релизом? Или оно не предсказумо?


Не предсказуемо!
14.2 от беты до релиза шёл полгода.


Цитата: Graf от 05 марта 2021, 12:47:39
Не предсказуемо!
14.2 от беты до релиза шёл полгода.
А вариант перейте с current 15 на stable будет?
Возникла необходимость переустановить Slackware, не знаю в итоге ждать 15 или нет.